
You already know that Summary's reports are accessed using a web browser. This is the same way you access Summary's configuration parameters. To configure Summary, simply launch your web browser and open up the main Summary page.

You will see a button in the header labeled Configuration. Clicking on this button will take you to the main configuration page.

There are several configuration pages. They are:

The Main Page and Sub-report Pages
Time Units
Request Types
Log Downloading
Custom HTML


Main Page and Sub-report Pages

Split into Sub-reports - Pressing this button will create two sub-reports. The first sub-report will inherit the configuration properties of the original report. You will be prompted to enter the configuration of the new sub-report. Each sub-report has an entirely separate set of reports that can be configured to display information about some portion of the log entries. This is normally used to provide separate reports for virtual domains or other divisions of the sites content. This button only appears in registered copies of Summary or Summary Pro when there are not already sub-reports.

Edit Sub-report #: Name - Clicking on this link will allow you to edit the settings for the given sub-report. These links only appears in registered copies of Summary or Summary Pro when there are already sub-reports.

Add New Sub-report - Pressing this button will add an additional sub-report. You will be prompted to enter the configuration of the new sub-report. This button only appears in registered copies of Summary or Summary Pro when there are already sub-reports and there are fewer than three sub-reports in Summary or fewer than 500 sub-reports in Summary Pro.

Registration Code - This is the place to enter your registration code. Your registration code will be e-mailed to you a few days after you register. See the section on Registering for more information. A valid registration code will remove the "Unregistered" message from the page heading and allow you to access the automatic processing every N hours option.

Base Directory - This setting is only available on Linux and Sun. This sets the directory where Summary will look for it's data files. This should be an absolute path name to the directory Summary is installed in. That directory will contain the Summary application as well as the config, data, logs, and reports directories. By default Summary looks in the "current directory" for these files. It is not always convenient to have the current directory be the correct place. You should run Summary with the current directory set to the directory where Summary is installed and then set this to the correct absolute path name. After that Summary can be run with any directory as the current directory.

Port to serve on - This is the TCP/IP port that Summary uses to serve configuration and report requests. A value of zero causes Summary to automatically select a free port from the list 80, 8000, 7000, and 8001 to 8010. The normal port for web servers is 80. The WebSTAR Proxy service defaults to port 8000. Other port numbers between 1 and 1023 are normally reserved for existing services. 8000, and 7000 are common alternative ports. If you enter a port number and that port is not available, Summary will not be able to operate properly. If you need to set the port number before running Summary you can add a line to the "config.txt" file in the "Config" folder that reads:

ServerPort: 80

where 80 is replaced with the port number you want to use. On machines where there is also web server running, it is highly recommended that you set this to some number other than 0 or 80. This will prevent conflicts with the web server.

Name required to access configuration
Password required to access configuration
- If you fill in either of these fields, anyone accessing the Summary configuration screens or the select a sub-report screen will be asked for a user name and password. You will need to enter the values you entered here to view or change configuration information. If one of the fields is blank, Summary will accept any value for that field. This user name and password can also be used to access all reports and sub-reports. If you forget your name or password, you can quit Summary and delete the lines, in the config.txt file in the config folder, that start with AuthName and AuthPass, then re-run Summary and enter new values.
If there is a report name or password and no configuration name or password the report name and password will be required for configuration. If ther are multiple subreports the report name and password used when there is no configuration name and password come from the first subreport.

There is a report password and a configure password. There really is no reason you would want to give users the ability to configure, but not view your reports. Therefore, if you enter a report password, that password also applies to configuration. In other words, it is not possible to have a configuration password without report password. If there are multiple subreports, the name and password come from first subreport. If there is a configuration name and password and there is not a report password, and there are multiple sub reports, then the page that lets you pick which subreports you want to see is also password protected.

Note: The following fields appear on the main configuration page unless you have sub-reports. When you have sub-reports they appear on the sub-report configuration page.

Comments and questions to email address- The data you enter into this field will appear at the bottom of each report as an email link for 'Questions or comments'. For example, you could enter and at the bottom of every report would be a click-able email link for users to send mail to that address. The default email address is

Site descriptive name - This is the name that appears at the top of all of the reports. The site descriptive name is normally used to describe the sites the report is for.

Preferred domain name - This should be the full domain name of the server that produced the logs you are analyzing. This name is used for making links to the pages on the server from inside the reports and also as one of the domain names considered local (see below). It should be entered all lowercase. For example "".

Name required to access reports
Password required to access reports
- If you fill in either of these fields, anyone accessing Summary will be asked for a user name and password. They will need to enter the values you enter here to view any information from Summary. If you have also entered a configuration name or password they will not be able to do any configuration or view the select a sub-report screen. If you have not entered a configuration password they will need this name and password to access configuration as well as reports. If one of the fields is blank, Summary will accept any value for that field. If you forget your name or password, you can quit Summary and delete the lines in the config.txt file in the config folder that start with ReportName and ReportPass, then re-run Summary and enter new values.

Other local domain names - These name are used, along with the "Preferred domain name" above, to determine if a referrer is local or remote. You should enter all of the domain names that can be used to access your server, including numeric IP addresses, except for the one you entered as the "Preferred domain name". These names should be entered all lowercase. For example;

Note: The following fields only appear on the sub-report configuration page.

Identifier for use in report URLs - A name used in the URL to access this sub-report. This allows you to assign easy to remember names to the sub-reports instead of accessing them by number. Only letters, numbers, underscore, hyphen, period, and dollar sign are allowed in this field. These names are used with a leading '~', '.', or '$' to identify the sub-report. For example, if Summary is running on a machine called '', on port 7000, and this field is set to 'demo', the URL to access the current sub-report would be <>

Send report to email address Summary Reports will get mailed to this email address each time log processing is done. "Send email each processing run", on the Options configuration page, must be enabled for reports to be sent. This option only appears in Summary Pro.

Servers to include in this Sub-report - A list of patterns that the server name must match to include a log entry in the current sub-report. Most log formats do not include the server name. Use "*" alone to match any log entry. You might want to look at the Virtual Servers report to see what server names occur in your log files before configuring sub-reports. Only available when there are sub-reports.

Files to included in this Sub-report - A list of patterns that the request name must match to include a log entry in the current sub-report. Many servers put each virtual domain in it's own folder. In that case you can use this field to select a single virtual domain. For example if your server is configured to redirect the "" domain to the "summary" folder use "/summary*" to select only requests in that folder. If you have "Lowercase request names" on, these patterns will be matched after the requests are lowercased. Only available when there are sub-reports.


Remove first directory name - WebSTAR adds a folder name to the URL that is logged in some situations involving virtual servers. Checking this option causes Summary to remove the first folder name from the URL before entering it into the reports.

Requests to count as Ads - A list of requests that will be counted as 'Ads'. Requests matching an entry in this list will appear in the Ads report.

Requests to count as goal - Requests to count as goal - A list of requests to count as having reached the goal. Visits are tracked to see if they make a request that appears on this list. The Referring Domains and Search Phrases reports show the percentage of visits for a given domain or phrase that do so. There is also a seperate report listing only requests that match an entry on this list.

User filter one
User filter two - The User1 and User2 reports list all requests which match an entry on the coresponding list. Other reports which have a name field can also be configured to only show entries on the selected list. These options are only avalable in Summary Pro.


All of the filtering fields take a list of items to ignore. Any log entry which has a value that matches one of the entries in the corresponding list is filtered out, i.e. not used for processing at all.

Items are compared to each entry in the list from top to bottom. The first match is the one that is used. Lowercase letters match either upper or lowercase, uppercase letters match only uppercase. You can use a '*' in an entry to match any string. Lines which start with a '+' indicate items which should be included, even if subsequent lines exclude them. For example you could give:


to include only those entries that start with "summary".

Filtering can be used for several purposes. You can exclude hits you make yourself, to get a better idea of what your visitors are doing. You can include only a single page, which causes the time reports to tell you about access to that page over time. You can filter out specific robots, such as a checker that makes sure your site is up and running, that might distort the results. You can filter on server name to get information on a single virtual server from a log with several domains mixed together.

Servers to ignore - The server field is taken from the WebSTAR CS(HOST) token or Microsoft Extended logs. It normally indicates the domain name or IP address of the server requested by the user. For example "".

Hosts to ignore - The host field is the domain name or IP address of the clients. For example "".

Requests/files to ignore - The request is the name requested by the user/browser. These are written in Unix style, i.e. "/summary/download.html".

Visit initiating referrers to ignore - This is the referrer from the request that initiated the visit. This field will be the same for all subsequent requests during a single visit, regardless of their individual referrers. Normally this is the URL of an external site that has a link to your site, which was followed to start the visit. For example "".

Auth. users to ignore - This is the name entered by the user in response to an authorization dialog. This field is typically blank unless this is a request to a restricted access portion of your site.

Cookies to ignore - The cookie string returned by the web browser along with the request. This is taken from the WebSTAR log token CS(COOKIE). This field is typically blank unless you have put cookies in your site.

Agents to ignore - The agent is the long identifying string provided by the web browser to indicate which version of which browser is making the request on behalf of the client. These strings vary quit a bit even within a single browser. For example "Mozilla/4.04 (Macintosh; I; PPC)".


Time Units

Number of hours between processing runs - You must be registered and have entered your registration code for this field to appear. Summary will process the log files automatically every this many hours if you leave it running. Set this to zero if you only want manual log file processing runs.

Process logs only late at night- This option will limit log processing to between 3 AM and 7 AM local time on the machine Summary is running on.

Stop processing after (MM/DD/YY) - Log entries after the date entered will not be processed. Leave this field blank to include log entries right up to the end of the log file. This field can be used in combination with the next field to set a range of dates to be processed.

Number of days to include (0 means all) - Summary will only process requests back this many days from the most recent request in all of the log files (or the "Stop processing" date if present). All earlier requests are ignored. A value of zero means to include all available log entries.

Number of days to count as 'current' - Several reports have a Curr Hits column. This setting controls how many days before the last request in all of the log files counts as being in the current period.

Number of idle minutes to end visit - A visit consists of a sequence of requests from the same host with a gap of no more than this many minutes between requests.

Number of days to keep daily statistics on - This controls how many days before the most recent request in all of the log files appear in the Daily Report.

Number of hours to keep hourly statistics on - This controls how many hours before the most recent request in all of the log files appear in the Hourly Report.

Number of minutes to offset times in logs - This number of minutes are added to every date of every request. If your logs are kept in GMT and you want a report for the east coast of the US during daylight saving time (which is four hours before GMT) you would set this to -240.



Lowercase request names - Some servers, particularly on the Macintosh and Windows, ignore the case of the requests. Unix servers are normally case sensitive. Check this check box if you want Summary to ignore the case of requests.

Do DNS lookups - Web servers typically run more efficiently if DNS lookups are turned off. To allow Summary to report on domain names instead of just numeric IP addresses check this check box. This will drastically slow down processing while reverse DNS lookups are being done, but the requests will be cached for quicker access on subsequent runs.

Use DD/MM/YY for dates on output - When checked, causes Summary to use the European date format (DD/MM/YY) for some dates in reports. The default is to use The US format (MM/DD/YY).

Expect DD/MM/YY for dates in log - When checked, causes Summary to expect dates to be in European date format (DD/MM/YY) in log files in WebSTAR, Microsoft IIS, and MacHTTP log formats. The default is to expect US format (MM/DD/YY).

Log file dates may overlap - Do more through date checking to correctly handle the case where more than one log file has entries for the same period. This will slow down processing since all log files will need to be scanned instead of just the last one.

Create CGI/Search argument report - The CGI argument report can take a lot of memory and is only useful to some people. Check this check box if you wish to keep records on CGI arguments passed in requests to your server.

Create cookie report - The Cookie Report can take a lot of memory. Most sites don't use cookies and some that do use a unique cookie every time. Check this check box if you want records on cookies passed in requests to your server.

Create Source, Dest, Bad Links reports - Creating these reports can take alot of memory if there are a large number of unique requests. Uncheck this item to disable these reports and save memory.

Process logs automatically at startup - Summary normally processes the log files automatically each time you start the application. If you have very large log files you might not want this to happen. Check this check box to cause Summary to only processes logs when requested to do so by the user or by the "Number of hours between processing runs" configuration setting.

Write reports as HTML files - When checked, each processing run, Summary will output the Report Menu, Summary Report, and the first couple of pages of each of the other reports as static HTML files. The number of pages written is set with 'Maximum number of static HTML pages to write'. These files will be written to the "Reports" folder. If you have sub-reports, a seperate folder will be created for each sub-report in the reports folder. These files can be read with a web browser even when Summary is not running and are suitable for uploading to a web server. This option is only present in Summary Pro.

Expire hosts after a month - This option will save memory if checked. Useful when processing large log files.

Always use folder name as server name -This option is very usefulf you have a lot of virtual domains. Summary will use the folder name as server name and this will save you a lot of typing.

Send e-mail each processing run - When enabled, Summary will email a report each processing run. Be sure to enter in an email address on the main configuration page.


Request Types

The extension of a request is the portion of the request after the last period character in the file name portion of the request, or blank if there is no period in the file name portion or the last character of the request is a period, or a '/' if the request ends with a '/'.

Page file name extensions - These are the extensions you wish to have treated as page requests. Page requests appear in the Pages report, the Entry and Exit Point reports, and are used for tracking paths through your site. Common page file name extensions include: "/", "html", "htm", "shtml", "sht", "txt", and "asp".

Graphics file name extensions - These are the extensions you wish to have treated as graphics requests. Graphics requests appear in the Graphics report and are ignored for the purpose of path tracking. Common graphics file name extensions include: "gif", "jpeg", "jpg", and "jpe".

Download file name extensions - These are the extensions you wish to be treated as downloads. Downloads appear in the Downloads report and are also treated like pages for the purpose of path tracking. Common download file name extensions include: "exe", "bin", "sit", "hqx", "zip", "gz", "z", "Z", "uu", "uue", and "tar".

All other extensions are referred to as Others in Summary.



Number of lines on a report page - This is the number of items that can be displayed on a single page of a report. A few reports, such as the Path report, use one fifth of this number. You must enter a number between five and one hundred. More lines on a page makes the reports take longer to load and display in the browser, but increases the amount of information that can be viewed without going to the next page.

Names that '/' defaults to - When the user makes a request ending in '/', the web server will look for a file with some special name or any of several special names and serve that file instead of doing a directory listing or getting an error. The exact set of file names depends on how you have configured your server, but commonly includes "index.html" or "default.html". Enter the same set of names your server is configured to use here. This allows requests to "/" and to "/index.html" to be counted together as requests to "/".

User log format definition - This is a string of tokens to indicate to Summary how to parse the log file. Summary will parse most log files automatically, and this field can be left blank. See the appendix on log file formats to find out what you should enter here to deal with special log file formats.

Hit threshold for time history of requests - This sets the point at which Summary will start counting a time history of requests. A higher number will save memory. A lower number will save more detail in the lower range of hits.

SMTP server name - The full domain name of an outgoing e-mail (SMTP) server. If this field is left blank, on the Macintosh Summary will attempt to get the name of an SMTP server from Internet Config, under Windows Summary will use a MAPI mail server if present, on Sun and Linux Summary will use the SMTP server on the local machine.

Maximum number of static HTML pages to write - Sets the maximum number of pages that can get written as static HTML reports. The default is one. Note that setting this to a high number can take very large amounts of disk space. This setting is only available in Summary Pro.

Log Downloading

Enable log downloading - This check box enables log downloading.

URL to download log from - Enter the URL at which your log file is located.

Name required to access download - For Summary to gain access to the log file, it must have a user name and password like any other FTP client. Enter in the name required to access download here. This could use the same account you use when you normally access the web server.

Password required to access downlaod- For Summary to gain access to the log file, it must have a user name and password like any other FTP client. Enter in the password required to access download here. This could use the same account you use when you normally access the web server. Summary will display your password as dots to protect your password.

Custom HTML

The "Custom HTML" configuration page only appears in Summary Pro. It is not available in the Unregistered/Demo version or in registered copies of Summary.

"Page background color" - The color to use for the general page background color. This is an HTML style color number typically six hexadecimal digits as "#RRGGBB". The default color is white "#FFFFFF". Summary Pro only.

"Alternate line color" - The color to be used as the background of the even numbered lines of the reports. This is an HTML style color number typically six hexadecimal digits as "#RRGGBB". The default color is light gray "#EEEEEE". Summary Pro only.

"Heading color" - The color to be used as the background of the report headers. This is an HTML style color number typically six hexadecimal digits as "#RRGGBB". The default color is medium light blue "#CCCCFF". Summary Pro only.

"Sub-Head color" - The color to be used as the background of the report sub headings. This is an HTML style color number typically six hexadecimal digits as "#RRGGBB". The default color is gray "#CCCCCC". Summary Pro only.

"Custom HTML header" - HTML code to use at the top of the page. Leave blank to use the default headings. The HTML code should include <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE>, and <BODY> tags. See below for a list of the special commands that can be used to insert program related information. Summary Pro only.

"Custom HTML footer" - HTML code to use at the bottom of the page. Leave blank to use the default footer. The HTML code should include </BODY> and </HTML> tags. Summary Pro only.

You must take care to enter valid HTML. All Summary pages will use this header and footer, if they are sufficiently wrong you may not be able to access the configuration page to set them back. In that case you must exit Summary and edit the "config.txt" file in the "Config" folder. Delete the lines that start "Header:" and "Footer:" to get back to the default header and footer configuration.

There are several special tokens to help you put in links to various Summary pages and art. All of the special tokens are prefixed with "%%%".

%%%summary-btn inserts the blue "report" button with a link to the Summary Report for the current sub-report.
%%%summary inserts the URL for the Summary Report for the current sub-report.
%%%menu-btn inserts the blue "menu" button with a link to the Report Menu for the current sub-report.
%%%menu inserts the URL for the Report Menu for the current sub-report.
%%%config-btn inserts the blue "config" button with a link to the configuration page for the current report.
%%%config inserts the URL for the configuration page for the current report.
%%%report inserts the URL for the specified report within the current sub-report. For example "%%%report/10" would insert the URL for the Top Level Domains report within the current sub-report.
%%%title inserts the title of the current page.
%%%extra inserts any special HTML meta commands required, normally a request to the browser to not cache the page. This should be placed in the <HEAD> section of the HTML header.
%%%release inserts the release date of the running copy of Summary.
%%%art inserts the URL for the specified piece of Summary built-in art. For example "%%%art/snlogo.gif" would insert the URL for the Summary.Net logo.
%%%main inserts the URL for the local Summary "main" page. The page that is normally displayed when you use the URI "/".
%%%admin inserts the administrators e-mail address as set with the: Comments and questions to email address.

Here is the HTML code for the default header:

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%%%title</TITLE>%%%extra</HEAD><BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#1111CC"vlink="#CC0000" alink="#888888"><CENTER><A HREF="http://Summary.Net/"><IMG border=0 vspace=5 width=485 height=53 src=%%%art/snlogo.gif alt="Summary.Net"></A><br><b>The Next Step in Information Technology</b>&#160; %%%summary-btn %%%menu-btn %%%config-btn <P>

Here is the HTML code for the default footer:

<P><table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=2><tr><td align=center><A HREF=%%%main><IMG align=left border=0 width=21 height=21 src=%%%art/ball.gif><FONT size=4><b>Summary Main Page</b></FONT></A></td><td width=15></td><td align=left><FONT size=2>Questions or comments: <A HREF="mailto:%%%admin">%%%admin</A><br>Copyright 1998,9 by Summary.Net - Updated %%%release</FONT></td></tr></table></CENTER></BODY></HTML>

Quick Start | Overview | Registering | Configuration
Javascript Code Installation | Virtual Domain Configuration | Questions
Reports | Log Formats and Servers | Frequently Asked Questions | Glossary

Copyright 1998,99 by Summary.Net - Updated 10/15/99